Hemorrhoids Cure: Definitely Not A Strain Reading This!

Piles, or hemorrhoids, are when veins get swollen in the tissue around one's anus, causing sometimes painful bumps in the skin. This condition can be very embarrassing to the people who suffer from it. This is why an effective--and subtle--piles cure is necessary.

The most common cause of piles is constipation. Pregnant women are prone to constipation due to the hormonal changes in her body. If you have hemorrhoids before you got pregnant, your condition will certainly be worsened. When you are constipated, you strain a lot when passing a stool making the veins in your anal region swollen. Improper care after bowel movement can cause it to irritate and inflame and it can even be ruptured.

When using mango seeds, they should first be dried in the shade and then powdered. This powder can be treated like medicine to be used as and when necessary. Use one and a half to two grams of the powder for each dose. They can be taken with or without honey, twice a day.

It is preferable to cure your pain with natural treatment even though it might takes time but the result you will get later on will be justifiable. There are different herbals used to cure your piles, it can be classified into 2 types, the type that ease your pain and the type that diminish the swelling and bleeding.

Some forms of piles however are more severe and the symptoms are more consistently present. Thus, the irritation is doubly frustrating. Relief should come faster therefore.

If you'd rather use an over the counter product to cure your piles, you have a couple of option. You can use petroleum jelly and apply it to the affected area or there are creams available such as Preparation H that is very helpful in relieving the symptoms of piles. Treatment for hemorrhoids can also include an oral pill such as Canesten or a suppository like Monistat.

Another natural cure for piles is to apply ice on the skin which helps in contracting blood vessels. When the blood vessels narrow they stop piles medicine the swelling thereby relieving the pain. Eating radish with black salt is very effective method. Consuming bananas are also considered good. It is also good to include fresh fruits and vegetables as a part of our diet. Juice extracted from ginger when mixed with lime juice, honey form a good natural medicine to cure piles. You can cure piles with certain medications as prescribed by the doctor. These home made products to cure piles are effective and safe to use.

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